Advertising is huge. Whether we realize it or not, we all pay attention to advertisements in magazines, commercials, billboards, public transportation vehicles, it is there and it is not going anywhere. The power advertisements have a young people especially girls is a big deal. Young girls look at Victoria’s Secret ads, diet pill ads, cereal ads, etc. and see these women who are very thin and seem sexy. Young girls look at that and say this is what I have to look like to get attention from men. They do not realize that it should not matter how tall, short, thin, fat, or whatever you are. It sounds cliché, but it should matter about what is on the inside. Advertisers need to look at what they are doing to young people. Young people are becoming more self conscious of their bodies because they don’t look like a supermodel or cannot fit into size double 0 jeans. Young women need to also embrace their bodies no matter how they look and realize that looking like a supermodel isn’t going to happen. I remember earlier this year when a Lane Byrant commercial was banned from television because it was deemed inappropriate however it is okay to show a Victoria’s Secret commercial will thinner half naked supermodels. Geez! People need to feel sexy and confident by being themselves and loving themselves. Personally, I have had to do this. I don’t always like the way I look. Growing up I can remember dieting and trying to loose weight but I would eventually give up and then start again. It became a vicious cycle. However, I have learned from this and realize it is better to live a healthy lifestyle then to diet. This is what advertisers need to do to advertise their weight lose ideas
Here's a comparison between the Lane Bryant ad and a Victoria's Secret ad
Lane Bryant:
Victoria's Secret:
I agree with you that people should like how they look they way they are! some ads are just ridiculous!!