Water for Elephants written by Sara Gruen is one of the best novels I have read in a long time. The novel is set during the Great Depression, where a young Cornell University veterinary student, named Jacob Jankowski runs away to the circus after the death his parents. Even though he doesn't have his degree, he ends up in charge of the animal menagerie where he falls in love with Marlena, the star of the equestrian act, who is married to August, the charming but otherwise twisted animal trainer. Jacob also meets Rosie, an otherwise untrainable elephant until he finds a way to reach her.
From the moment I picked the book up I could not put it down. One of the interesting things about it was the style of writing it has. The book is written in first person, but by an elderly Jacob Jankowski, who now lives in a nursing home. He recounts the days when life was just beginning for him. The story has love, action, and adventure mixed with pain and sadness.
I read this book over the summer after hearing that Hollywood was making a film based on the novel. After reading it, I did a little research about the upcoming film and found out who is portraying who. The three main actors are Robert Pattinson who portrays Jacob, Reese Witherspoon who portrays Marlena, and Christoph Waltz who portrays August. If you don't know who Christoph Waltz is he starred in Inglourious Basterds.
I definately recommand this book and if you rather wait and see the movie it will be coming out sometime next year.
This looks interesting. I will definitely be waiting to see how this turns out. If Reese Witherspoon is in it, I bet it will be a good movie.